
A classic PC game, but for MA3 lighting consoles. Not to be used whilst on a show...



Got some time to waste whilst in pre-viz? Try and beat the MASweeper highscore! The faster you complete the board, the higher your score. If you're not familiar with the classic PC game Minesweeper, the aim is to locate a number of randomly-placed red MAs (mines) in the shortest possible time by clicking on "safe" squares while avoiding the squares with red MAs. If the you clicks on a red MA, the game ends.

You can exit the game and resume at any time... Handy in case of actual work arising.

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MArkers can create multiple sequences from track markers in Reaper and assign MA3 Timecode events from the Reaper project file.

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Song MAnager

Song MAnager

SongMAnager is a useful tool to quickly build all the base elements you need for a song. It creates your sequence, timecode, page, and song activation macro.

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MArkersPRO allows the syncing of Reaper markers to MA3 sequences and timecode over a network connection.

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System Requirements

MASweeper works from Console, OnPC and OnMac MA3 software.

The current version of MASweeper is V1.0.0.2. This version will not run on MA3 lower than V1.9.3.3 .