Patch Exporter

A Plugin for MA3 lighting consoles to export patch data as a PDF or a CSV.

Key Features

Patch Exporter does exactly that. Use this plugin to export your MA3 patch data as a PDF ready to send to the crew chief, or as a CSV to import into other software. Export from OnPC or OnMac.

Our PDF export feature allows you to include essential details such as ID Type, Fixture Number, Name, Mode, and Patch information. Additionally, the exported PDF has an option to indent fixtures that are part of grouping fixtures. You can also customize the font to match your preferred style.

With PatchExporter, you can also export the showfile's patch as a CSV for use in third party apps. The FID, Name, Patch, Patch Breaks, Fixture Mode/Type, DMX/Encoder Inverts and Geometry are all exported on the CSV.

You can also export a PDF report of your patch, showing patch collisions and/or unpatched fixtures in your showfile.

Exporter Bundle

Buy our three exporters together for $12 + tax. Get all three exporters to maximise your MA3 toolkit.


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System Requirements

Once Registered, PatchExporter works from Console, OnPC and OnMac MA3 software.

PatchExporter requires a USB stick to be used as a license key. Each purchase allows for 2 separate USB sticks to be registered as a key.

The current version of PatchExporter is V1.2.2.3. This version will not run on MA3 lower than V1.9.7.0 . Download the latest version here